(foto: het eiland Pico)

Pico, pruimen en de piloot van de Pinta

(Wat eraan vooraf ging: kapitein Slocum zeilt als eerste solo de wereld rond met de Spray, een opgelapte oesterschuit. Op het Azoreneiland Pico krijgt hij een vers, wit kaasje ten geschenke van de Amerikaanse consul-generaal dat hij, eenmaal weer buitengaats, soldaat maakt met een voorraadje pruimen. Hij wordt doodziek, raakt in een delirium en heeft dan een eerste ontmoeting met zijn beschermengel: de stuurman van de Pinta.)

“When I came to, as I thought, from my swoon, I realized that the sloop was plunging into a heavy sea, and looking out of the companionway, to my amazement I saw a tall man at the helm. His rigid hand, grasping the spokes of the wheel, held them as in a vise. One may imagine my astonishment. His rig was that of a foreign sailor, and the large red cap he wore was cockbilled over his left ear, and all was set off with shaggy black whiskers. He would have been taken for a pirate in any part of the world. While I gazed upon his threatening aspect I forgot the storm, and wondered if he had come to cut my throat. This he seemed to divine. "Senor," said he, doffing his cap, "I have come to do you no harm." And a smile, the faintest in the world, but still a smile, played on his face, which seemed not unkind when he spoke. "I have come to do you no harm. I have sailed free," he said, "but was never worse than a contrabandista. I am one of Columbus's crew," he continued. "I am the pilot of the Pinta come to aid you. Lie quiet, senor captain," he added, "and I will guide your ship to-night. You have a calentura, but you will be all right tomorrow." I thought what a very devil he was to carry sail. Again, as if he read my mind, he exclaimed: "Yonder is the Pinta ahead; we must overtake her. Give her sail; give her sail! Vale, vale, muy vale!" Biting off a large quid of black twist, he said: "You did wrong, captain, to mix cheese with plums. White cheese is never safe unless you know whence it comes. Quien sabe, it may have been from leche de Capra and becoming capricious...”

(Joshua Slocum, Sailing alone around the world, voor het eerst uitgegeven in 1900. Het boek is hier online te lezen. “Wie dit geen goed boek vindt verdient subiet verdronken te worden”, zo luidde het oordeel van een recensent bij verschijning.)


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Otis Redding - (Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay
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